About This Game The Dwarves of the HammerHelm Clan dream of living above ground, under the sun and clouds. As their Champion, it is up to you to help them establish their home and guide them towards prosperity. But this new land is filled with danger and your town will face many challenges.Something dangerous is stirring in the storehouse, keeping the workers from delivering their resources. The sewers you built last week to help the town remain clean - goblins have moved in and are using it as a base of operations. The farms have become poisoned and won't yield crops. And the Tavernkeeper has heard rumors of a Necromancer building his tower nearby, plotting to attack the town.The more your town grows, the more your adventure grows!Build a town from over 30 different structures including houses, armorsmiths, breweries, taverns, carpenters, wells, and more!Attract townspeople to help collect resources, build structures, and work in the shops.Create your character and place your own home to customize and decorate.Craft weapons, armor, and more at the shops you create.Explore your town and enter every building you place.Manage your town's resources to ensure the citizens are happy, healthy, and safe.Dynamic quests and events based on how you build your town.Level up and learn skills such as Luck, Hard Head, and Killing Blow. Explore dungeons, caves, mines, sewers, and more!Fast-paced, action combat system. 7aa9394dea Title: HammerHelmGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early AccessDeveloper:SuperSixStudiosPublisher:SuperSixStudiosRelease Date: 27 Jul, 2017 HammerHelm Crack Download Pc Kickass hammerhelm demo. hammerhelm gameplay. hammerhelm wiki. hammerhelm download. games like hammerhelm. hammerhelm steam. hammerhelm pc game. hammer helm mine. hammerhelm review. hammerhelm cave in. hammer helm lenggries. power hammer helm. nhk hammer helm. hammerhelm cheats. hammerheim mtg. hammerhelm multiplayer. hammerhelm free download. hammer helm mine black desert. hammerhelm crack. hammerhelm lotr. hammerhelm baldur's gate 2. hammerhelm game Neat Idea still in alpha, Hope all the bugs get fixed. Combat and gather should be 2 sep. buttons: when in battle you will get errors about the tree is not old like you are trying to gather. I can not recommend the game in its current state.. This game has lot of potential and some really professional devs that are cranking out bug fixes and content improvements at an alarming rate. If they keep this up it won't be 'early access' for long. The game itself is an well done mash up of RPG, Strategy Survival, Crafting, and a City Builder games. It works together very well and once it is all smoothed out and the gaps filled in, it will be a great game in my opinion. Keep it up Devs. You have a real gem here!. Game is still alpha and has some issues, but the developer is committed and very responsive. Haven't spend a lot of time in game yet, but from what I've played it seems fun.. I have had a lot of fun with the game since I started playing. The game is still in early access, with constant updates from the Dev. Playing lots of early access games I can say it is impressive the amount of updates given. ** Audience**\u2611 Beginner\u2611 Casual Gamer\u2611 Normal Gamer\u2610 Expert** Graphics**\u2610 Bad\u2610 Alright\u2611 Good \u2611 Beautiful\u2610 Fantastic ** Music **\u2610 Bad\u2610 Alright\u2611 Good \u2611 Beautiful\u2610 Fantastic ** Difficulty **\u2610 Easy \u2611 Average\u2611 Easy to learn\u2610 Hard\u2610 Unfair** Bugs **\u2610 Bugs destroy the game\u2610 Lots of bugs\u2611 Few Bugs\u2610 You can use them for speedrun\u2610 Nothing encountered** Story **\u2610 There is none\u2610 Bad Alright\u2611 Good\u2610 Fantastic** Gameplay** \u2610 Frustrating\u2610 Sleepy\u2610 Boring\u2611 Fun** Game time \/ Length **\u2610 Really short (0 - 3 hours)\u2610 Short (4 - 8 hours)\u2610 Few hours (10 - 20 hours) [if you focus on the main story]\u2610Long (40-60 hours) [if you complete everything]\u2610 Very Long (61-100 hours) \u2611 Extremely Long (101+ hours) **Price \/ Quality **\u2611 Full price \u2610 Wait for Sale \u2610 Don't buy. I have had a lot of fun with the game since I started playing. The game is still in early access, with constant updates from the Dev. Playing lots of early access games I can say it is impressive the amount of updates given. ** Audience**\u2611 Beginner\u2611 Casual Gamer\u2611 Normal Gamer\u2610 Expert** Graphics**\u2610 Bad\u2610 Alright\u2611 Good \u2611 Beautiful\u2610 Fantastic ** Music **\u2610 Bad\u2610 Alright\u2611 Good \u2611 Beautiful\u2610 Fantastic ** Difficulty **\u2610 Easy \u2611 Average\u2611 Easy to learn\u2610 Hard\u2610 Unfair** Bugs **\u2610 Bugs destroy the game\u2610 Lots of bugs\u2611 Few Bugs\u2610 You can use them for speedrun\u2610 Nothing encountered** Story **\u2610 There is none\u2610 Bad Alright\u2611 Good\u2610 Fantastic** Gameplay** \u2610 Frustrating\u2610 Sleepy\u2610 Boring\u2611 Fun** Game time \/ Length **\u2610 Really short (0 - 3 hours)\u2610 Short (4 - 8 hours)\u2610 Few hours (10 - 20 hours) [if you focus on the main story]\u2610Long (40-60 hours) [if you complete everything]\u2610 Very Long (61-100 hours) \u2611 Extremely Long (101+ hours) **Price \/ Quality **\u2611 Full price \u2610 Wait for Sale \u2610 Don't buy In Development - New Sewers!: Working on the branching system and the sewers quest over the weekend made me realize the sewers are one of the oldest things in the game. I added them very early in HammerHelm's development, so probably 4+ years ago! They're basically just boxes, which is kinda boring looking and not very sewer like.The new ones will have a more curved look with rooms and corners being square. More like tunnels. I also want to make the ceiling lower than the current sewers, which I also think is more fitting for sewers.By contrast, here's the screenshot of the current sewers that I took yesterday using the original assets. I hope you agree the new look is way better!Lots of different things going on! Maybe a bit too many. You'd think as someone who does Project Management for a living that I'd be better at keeping myself focused. Time to pick a couple of things and finish them up so I can get them in game!. Optimization Test Build - Alpha 13: Updated the test build to include a couple of tweaks and fixes. The old system was causing blocking walls that shouldn't be visible to appear once the camera was facing them. This should no longer happen. Also updated to the part of the system that handles Townspeople.As an example, this scene without the optimization turned on was about 70FPS on my dev machine at 2560x1440 with most every setting turned up.With the new system, it's almost 100!To get the test build you can follow the instructions from the previous announcement.https://steamcommunity.com/games/664000/announcements/detail/1617266323454962541Also a quick update on the new art. Things have been going a bit slow with the armor and weapons but I think we're back on track now. Hoping to have something to show by next weekend. Likewise, we're making some changes to the new trees and also working on some addition trees including a couple of cherry blossoms (to replace the pink trees at the ruins), a weeping willow, and a pine tree.I did a quick test with the new trees just to get some performance data. Note, this screenshot is the same tree with the same color leaves, the actual map will have more variety of tree shapes and leaf colors.I'm really happy with the look of these trees. They match the characters so much better than the current trees. Once I add all of the other tree varieties it'll look even better!Once all the environment art is done, I'll be changing out the world map assets. More than likely this will coincide with the new weapons and armor, so it should be a big art update.. In Development - Better Construction Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=donlejDNZm4&feature=youtu.beWhile working on some bug fixes, I've been playing around with a construction animation for the buildings. Right now the buildings just appear in four stages which isn't very satisfying. Going to tweak it some more (and maybe change how the roof works) and then look at adding some sound and fx next.Also the timing is a bit off with the worker because this was just a quick test video so I could show it to you all. Normally the building wouldn't start constructing until he got there just as it works now.. Alpha 12.5 - More Bug Fixes!: Spent some more time fixing bugs this evening. Tonight's build includes a bunch of Orc Quest fixes as well as some others.The Skeletons during the Orc quest will no longer spawn in places where they cannot be found.Orcs will always have a greeting of some kind rather than having a blank conversation box.While on Orc Island, you can no longer press the Build Mode tabs to see Dwarf buildings in the build list.Likewise, Orc buildings will no longer appear in town build list after returning from Orc IslandOrc health and stamina bars no longer cover up hit point and stamina numbers.Orc Archers no longer have a crafting option since they don't craft anything.You can now use Fitted, Masterwork, and Poor quality items to craft the armor setsUsing the town resource menu to transfer stone from the town to yourself will no longer give you two stone for every one in the town. (bad bug!!!)Fixed a bug that caused the Build Mode information panel to fail to display all of the text.Updated me email in the welcome message to use jon@hammerhelm.comedit: added these two fixes in Alpha 12.5.1Placing an item over a gem in a storage chest will no longer result in the gem being deleted.You can no longer collect the glowberries from the Herbalist's garden.There are also a couple of bugs that I am aware of, but haven't been able to reproduce myself yet.Sometimes attacking a monster will always result in a miss when it should have hit.Workers sometimes get stuck in a loop, running around in a circle.Both of these can be fixed by restarting the game, but if either does happen, please send me your save and your outpit_log file before restarting the game. These two have eluded me so far and I really want to knock them out.You can find info on how to send me the files here:https://steamcommunity.com/app/664000/discussions/1/1736595227848425568/Again, and I can't say this enough, I really appreciate the bug reports. I've been playing this game for so long I often miss things because when I play, I play it the way I expect it to be played. But that's an illusion that never holds up once people get their hands on it. It's always fascinating to me read a bug report and think "Why would you do that!?" - and then figure it out and fix it. :)Focusing on bugs has also been really helpful for me to gauge HammerHelm's overall polish. As I fix bugs I also make note of things that aren't necessarily broken, but could be improved or made more fun. That's where the idea for new building animation I showed the other day came from.https://steamcommunity.com/games/664000/announcements/detail/1647664350689507667Meanwhile the artists continue to work on the new weapons and armor. The Copper Armor and Copper Weapons are ready for review so I'll probably show them tomorrow if they look good once in the game. The Jade Armor and Weapons need some rework as getting the Jade looking good has been tricky. He's also made some progress on the Zombie too, so hoping to show his work-in-progress soon. Lots going on!Also, that something special I mentioned in the roadmap update is also ready for review. Can't wait to check it out. Again, it's not a huge thing, but it's special to me, and I hope you all like it.. In Progress - New Trees on Map: Some good news...all of the new trees and other flora are done and I've started the process of updating the map with the new stuff! These shots show the new cherry blossom trees at the ruins and the new weeping willows and Willow Grove. Like the other new trees, these also move about with the wind.I'm also updating how the trees are loaded into the game, so there can be settings to use the old trees (for those that prefer them) in addition to reduced tree variety for those with lower specs while still maintaining good visuals.The weeping willows branches moving in the wind makes Willow Grove look even more magical. When I get a chance I'll make an animated gif.I'm hoping to have everything changed out with settings support over the weekend. Changing out the trees and rocks is pretty straightforward, but adding the bushes, plants, and the new flowers will take the most time.There are also new pine trees. I'm probably going to section off an area of the map and make it a pine forest as a new POI and then scatter them just a bit around the rest of the map. I'll take a shot when that's all set up too.And Now I need to come up with a story quest that lets you place a cherry blossom in your town!. In Development - Improved Tree Chopping: Something I am experimenting with for when I redo the world map with the new tree assets. I want to make chopping down trees more interesting and fun! The three parts of the trunk left are behind at the end are collected just like the logs are now. In this case though, they match the size and shape of the tree trunk. Trees in HammerHelm are really big though, so we'll see how this looks in practice. Worst case I can create three smaller logs from the bottom piece and have those remain while the upper parts disappear with the canopy and branches.The stump that remains at the would stay until the tree started to regrow.. Alpha 12.0 - Diversity: (click to see full size)Today's update is all about adding some more diversity to HammerHelm. For the player character, for the townspeople, and even for the quests!When creating a new character there is a new option to set the skin tone of your character. I've been wanting to get this in for a long time and it's the final big piece of character creation that I wanted to finish before leaving early access.There are currently nine choices. I'm thinking about adding a few more that might be Early Access Only. These would be more fantasy in nature, such as a gray Dwarf. Will have to see how it looks.New townspeople will also be created with different skin options as well. I have to say I'm really happy to finally get this in to HammerHelm and it really adds a lot to the look of the town and the Dwarves. Plus i get to check off another task related to the Roadmap towards Full Release! Existing saves cannot be automatically updated to use the new skin options system, however if you have a save you want me to update for you, I'm happy to do it. Instructions for this will be at the end of this update.In addition to the characters, the quest branching system is also complete so I can diversify the quests a bit more too! The first quest to use it is the Broken Sewers quest. Now when you get the Broken Sewers quest, sometimes it will be Ratmen, and other times it will be broken pipes. The broken pipes quest has you collecting the broken pieces, bringing them to the Stonemason for repair, and then putting them back. Now that the system is done, I can start doing this with other quests more easily too!This update also includes a fix for the long braided hair physics. It was set too high and looked like something invisible was holding up. Fixed version is on the right.And last, but not least, I have added a toggle to the Options Menu that allows you to turn off the torch flickering and monster flashing when they are hit.Updating Your Current SaveIf you'd like to have your townspeople and your character updated to have different skin tons, you can send me your save file and I'll update it for you. Simply let me know which skin tone you'd like for your character, numbered 1 through 9 using the top image with 1 being the top left and 9 being the bottom right. Your townspeople will get random skin tones as if they were newly created.To send me your save follow the instructions here:https://steamcommunity.com/app/664000/discussions/1/1736595227848425568/Note, my primary email has changed to jon at hammerhelm . com, but the supersixstudios at gmail . com address still works too.Please give me a day or two to get back to you with the new save as I need to write some code to update an existing town's NPCs and then it depends on how many folks ask for the update.. Alpha 13.7.1 - Quick Fixes + Discord & Twitter: Quick build today to fix a few bugs and adjust some of the art.Fixed a bug that caused the Fishing Pier's footprint to always display red, blocking placement.Shadyee's selling UI will no longer display 1000 gold as the default price.Fixed a typo in the Gold Teleport Stone's ingredients that caused the icon to display as a white square.Fixed a bug that created the bit effect and sound when hitting ore that you've already mined.Reduced the saturation on the tree trunks.Added more orange to the yellow leaves.The last two are part of a graphics polish that I am working on to as I think I was pushing HammerHelm too much towards a "toon" look. While I want to keep the hand-painted look, things were getting too saturated and too bright. I will likely be tweaking this again over time.I received the new art for the Cherry Blossoms, Pine Trees, and Weeping Willows. We're adjusting some parts of the Weeping Willows but overall these came out great and I hope to show them off later today or tomorrow! Once those are done I'll be adding them to the world and performing a final update to the world map with tree placement and tree performance/quality options.I also turned off the falling leaves system in this build as I haven't finished testing it yet, but I wanted to get these fixes out asap, especially the Fishing Pier bug.Also, I'll be around today a bit so if you'd like to chat, feel free to drop by the HammerHelm Discord channel!discord.gg/8326JefAnd be sure to follow HammerHelm on Twitter for some sneak peeks and updates. This account is officially for the game and I'm changing my personal Twitter to be more about game development, which of course will still be about HammerHelm too! I'm working with "Take The Potion" to help me out with marketing HammerHelm and building awareness and they'll be running the new Twitter account.HammerHelm Twitter: https://twitter.com/helm_hammerMy Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuperSixStudios. Alpha 10.9.1 - A Couple of Fixes: Quick build to resolve a couple of bugs:Fixed a bug that caused Shaydee to become unresponsive.Fixed a bug that sometimes caused quests that can be repeated to only appear once.
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